PocketShark Product Family™
RS232 Batteryless System Logger

The Batteryless System Logger

Batteryless System Logger (RS232)


  • Provides around-the-clock system logging
  • Never loses log info
  • No batteries or external power required
  • No service or maintenance required
  • Lifetime 10+ years
  • Patent: implements Smart Batteryless Backup Technologies™              (US Patent: 7,908,504)


The Batteryless System Logger

Batteryless System Logger (RS232)

Batteryless System Logger with system

The Batteryless System Logger is a unique device that was designed to log system data from any serial port, and store the data in the Logger’s non-volatile memory; this is done in the event of a system crash or power outage. The Logger is ideal for companies in the embedded appliance market.

The System Logger connects to the embedded system via the serial RS-232 port. It continuously receives log info from the system, and stores this log info on an internal cycle buffer. This info can be retrieved via the serial interface at any time.

The Logger takes power from the serial port (lines RTS and DTR), so it has no batteries or accumulators of its own. This batteryless implementation means you won’t require any service or maintenance during the System Logger’s lifetime.

The System Logger implements the new Amfeltec Smart Batteryless Backup Technologies™ (US Patent: 7,908,504). This technology guarantees that the Logger will save system log information in its non-volatile memory in the event of a system crash or power outage — even if electrical characteristics of the System Logger fluctuate due to humidity or temperature influences during operation. This technology greatly lengthens the lifetime of the System Logger, making it almost unlimited.

By using the System Logger, any embedded system (appliance) can have system log info for analysis — even if it has no resources for storing log information (for example a hard drive or flash drive), and without using a secondary computer (which is usually used to capture log info in the HyperTerminal application).

In addition, the System Logger can be used as a logic analyzer. Application control allows one to start and stop writing system information into the cycle buffer. This mode of operation can be very helpful when it’s necessary to debug specific system conditions during development.

The System Logger has standard DB9 RS-232 connector with two screws and it can be easily connected to any RS-232 I/O port inside or outside a computer or an embedded appliance.


  • Easy installation (standard DB9 RS-232 connector with two mounting screws)
  • Programmable baud rates: 9600/19200/57600/115200 bps
  • Data format: 8 data bits/none parity/1 stop bit
  • Storage capacity: 128 Kbytes
  • Powered from the system interface (no batteries or power cables)
  • Lifetime more then ten years
  • Extremely compact design: 1.302” x 0.76” x 2.384” (33 x 19.5 x 60.5 mm)
  • Operating temperature: -20º to +70º
  • RoHS compliant
  • Supports software for Windows®/Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris OS

Standard Package Includes:

  • Batteryless System Logger (RS232 interface)

Part Number:

  • SKU-004-01        Batteryless System Logger (RS232 interface)



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