12-inch PCI Express Flat Cable is used to connect a MiniPCI/MiniPCI Express/PCI Express host cards with PCI Express adapter boards.
Price: $9.52 US (SKU-043-01)
Cable for SKU-086-36 product.
Price: $ 17.21 USD (SKU-050-40)
Price: $ 21.14 USD (SKU-043-39)
Cable for SKU-086-36/SKU-086-32 products.
Price: $ 16.78 USD (SKU-043-37)
Price: $ 17.45 USD (SKU-043-41)
Molex “hard drive” Split power cable has a 4-pin male power connector on one end, and two 4-pin female power connectors on the other side.
Price: $7.5 US (SKU-043-02)
Female 4-pin “floppy drive” power connectors are on both ends of this cable.
Price: $3.75 US (SKU-043-03)
Male “hard drive” 4-pin Molex power connector on one end, and two female 4-pin “floppy disk” power connectors on the other end of this cable.
Price: $6.75 US (SKU-043-04)
MiniPCI / PCIe power cable.
Price: $3.75 US (SKU-043-05)
Female 4-pin “floppy drive” power connector on one end, and 2 female 4-pin “floppy drive” power connectors on the other end on this cable.
Price: $6 US (SKU-043-06)
12″ inch Male-A to Male-B mini USB cable. Use this cable to connect In-Circuit Programmer/Loader to your host PC.
Price: $7 US (SKU-043-07)
Female 4-pin “6-inch Male A to Male B mini-USB cable. Use this cable to connect Piranha USB Adapters to your PC.
Price: $5.12 US (SKU-043-11)
Price: $4.25 US (SKU-043-12)
Price: $2.40 US (SKU-043-13)
Price: $4.15 US (SKU-043-14)